
Daylily - Speed Bump

Speed Bump
(Pearce-G 2020)

  • 5.5" Bright red self with veining and very pronounced raised midribs above a yellow throat. Those midrib bumps are unmistakable, quite large, and very different. A garden visitor felt the flower and came up with the name Speed Bump in a flash. It is such a fitting name, it definitely stuck.
  • This is a very strong dormant plant which multiplies like a weed. While the scapes are on the shorter side, they are in scale with the overall plant. The bright red color and rebloom will not let you walk by it without notice. Fertile both ways.
  • 29" scape with 3 branches and 12 buds, Mid w/Rebloom, Dormant, Tet ((Master Huntsman X Red Volunteer) X (Year of the Dragon X Velvet Throne))
  • Seedling #14-02-02
  • $20 DF
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